In any negative situation, there is usually some good along with the more pervasive bad. Though it may not be easy to look for the good in a moment of conflict or anger, there is usually time for reflection where we can uncover the good or the positives that come from a negative situation. The key for all of us is to take the time to look for the good so something positive can be pulled from any negative situation. These five suggestions below will give you ideas on what to do if you have a major life event that you need to overcome.
Finding the good within the bad
Real life lesson #1
The majority of the jobs I’ve had in my career have been mostly positive experiences. Though no job is perfect (it is a job, not a hobby, after all), I’ve had few relatively unpleasant experiences in the workforce. There was one job, however, that pushed my limits for tolerance and taught me a lot of life lessons. While the employer and industry will remain nameless, I got to use many of the five aforementioned suggestions above after my experience with this company.
A huge lesson I learned was where I did NOT want to work, and it really changed my outlook for the industry in general. It gave me the motivation to look outside my narrow box (aka: my comfort zone) and consider opportunities for employment in other areas. That turned out to be a blessing in disguise that I did not recognize at the time.
Quite a bit of animosity built up over time from being in that situation, but I used it as fuel to power forward into reimagining myself in a better place in the workforce. I learned a lot of lessons to be sure. Though there were some really low times, the experience certainly built character. I did gain many positives during my time there including making many key contacts including being introduced to a local music celebrity which encouraged me to restart my musical endeavors. And, had I not had the most unpleasant of experiences working for this company, I may have made the mistake to settle and stay put in the industry I was in, which didn’t provide much happiness or satisfaction.
Real life lesson #2
At the same time I worked for the company above, I was also doing some freelance writing for a local publication. The objective was to learn important writing skills on a regular deadline, get experience and learn to work within the framework of a publication. The pay was negligible at best, I did it almost solely for the experience. Though the entire first year was smooth and easy, having built a good rapport with my editor, she eventually left and I had to deal with a new editor.
Though my writing didn’t change and the content didn’t change, nothing was ever good enough for this new editor. Submissions needed to be re-written two to three times regularly before they were considered complete. The editor would approve a story and then later kill it, without notice, after the story had already been written. The experience working for this editor could be down right brutal at times, but I’m so thankful for the experience. It gave me the tools I needed to succeed and opened the doors of opportunity that led me to the company that I work for today. The job experience today is entirely different, all for the positive, and it’s because of the life lessons I learned writing for that company that helped propel me leaps and bounds ahead into a much better situation for which I am very thankful on a daily basis.
There is a lesson to be learned in every single situation you encounter in life. It doesn’t matter if it’s your job, your personal life or in any random situation you find yourself. The key is how you process every interaction. Though I am still a work in progress, I like to view every situation either as a good one or an opportunity to learn. It may not always be easy, but when I think this way, I usually get something positive out of virtually any situation.