Develop these entrepreneurial skills for a long-term win.
In today’s fast-paced global economy, it is evident that technology has replaced many jobs. Just look at all the things you can do right now from your smart phone compared to 5 years ago!
The many unemployed and underemployed have by necessity looked at their skill set to start their own businesses. This leads us to consider the need to develop certain entrepreneurial skills, as many serial entrepreneurs have done, to succeed in the future.
But where does one start? You could research and quickly get into industries – IT, medicine, and education – that are more immune to having jobs minimized by technology or made obsolete by a machine. But changing industries and/or targeting those that have a better chance to continue existing are not the only answer. You can better prepare yourself by developing the entrepreneurial skills that are becoming more and more critical for career survival.
We published an article for the Harvard Business Review where Bill Bonnstetter discussed a TTI SI study of serial entrepreneurs. In this study, TTI SI found that there were five DNA competencies most commonly possessed by serial entrepreneurs. Even though the serial entrepreneurs we worked with had already developed these five competencies, Bonnstetter pointed out these traits can also be learned and developed. Therefore, more than ever, it is crucial to implement tools that help identify those who possess these competencies.
It is also crucial to find out who within the workforce possesses these entrepreneurial traits because this allows business leaders to develop and use their unique approach. Recruiting and retaining those with an entrepreneurial mindset will pay big dividends not just for individual companies, but also for the economy as a whole.
The Five Traits of a Serial Entrepreneur
- Influencing Others/Persuasion
- Leadership
- Personal Accountability
- Goal Orientation
- Interpersonal skills
The new 25 DNA Competencies assessment is effective in helping you identify and develop these traits within your staff, yourself or your clients. Applied in conjunction with a job benchmark, Competencies ensure the skills of each individual match the soft skills required by the job. Begin to identify the traits of serial entrepreneurs at your organization here.