Effective leadership is all about understanding and embracing your unique behavioral style while recognizing areas for growth.
Read an exclusive excerpt from 'The Five Sciences of Self' and co-author Carissa Collazo on How Personal Insights Create Transformative Impact.
'The Five Sciences of Self of Self' explains the history, development, and evolution of TTI's assessments.
Axiology in assessments can transform how individuals perceive and prioritize the world around them.
TTI Talent Insights is an assessment tool created by TTI SI. It combines DISC and 12 Driving Forces, revealing both the ‘how’ (DISC) and ‘why’ (12 Driving Forces) of an individual in one report. This combination of assessments helps identify a person’s behaviors and drivers, which sheds particular insight into their actions and reactions.
If you’re looking for an in-depth tool that allows you to understand your own thinking style, pinpoint emotional blind spots, and make more balanced decisions, consider the ACI assessment.