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Dave Clark

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5 Characteristics of Great Leaders

Great leaders are defined by their actions. Possessing these 5 traits can help make a leader quite successful. If these traits do not describe your leadership style, working on one or more of these areas would be a great place to start to become a better leader.

7 Traits Typically Found in Highly Emotionally Intelligent People

It is widely believed that individuals with high emotional intelligence tend to better manage the rigors and stresses found regularly in the workplace. Some people even argue that having a high EQ is more important than having a high IQ. These 7 traits are often found in people with high EQ.

5 Tips for Improving the Lost Art of Communication

The problem with being connected is that we are not connecting. For all the progress attributed to robots, AI and other technological innovations, nothing is more important than people skills and the art of good communication.

6 Reasons Your Current Employees May Be Planning Their Escape (And What Can Be Done To Prevent It)

Leaders who feel their employees are content would probably be surprised to find out that upwards of 75% of a company’s workforce may be open to - or are actively searching for - a new job at any given time, and that about 58 percent of US adults look, at least monthly, for a new job.

Richard Branson’s Top Tips for Trying New Things

Looking to come out of your cramped comfort zone? Follow Richard Branson’s lead. His willingness to regularly step outside his zone is what continuously allows him to meet and exceed new challenges. Branson's tips will help you break out of your comfort zone & enjoy more of what life has to offer.

10 Defining Characteristics of Generation Z

Generation Z is its own unique and independent generation. These ten defining characteristics of Generation Z will help better articulate what sets this generation apart from others, notably the Millennials with whom they are regularly confused.

What Companies Need to Do to Attract Top Talent in 2019

When job openings surpassed hires, the employment landscape changed significantly. Today, it's an employees market and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. Here's what companies need to do to attract top talent in 2019.

10 Perfectly Acceptable Reasons For Leaving Your Job

If you are contemplating changing jobs but dread going through the interview process, one question you should be prepared to answer is the question of why you are leaving your previous job. A new company’s hiring manager should understand if the departure is due to any of these ten reasons.

Bohemian Rhapsody - The Contrasting Personalities of Queen

The movie Bohemian Rhapsody showcases the rock band Queen, identifying how contrasting personalities and behavioral styles came together to make some of the world's finest music. True collaborators, Queen exemplified what it meant to be a true band in every sense of the word.