About the Author

Jaime Faulkner

Recent Posts

Exit Interviews: 3 Ways to Leverage for Organizational Growth

One of the most valuable things employees can give to an organization their employers might surprise you; it’s their honesty.

Striking the Balance: A People-Focused Approach to Managing AI in Business

If you’re trying to understand AI and what kind of role it can play in your organization, you need to make sure to center the needs of your people first.

Understanding Cultural Fit: What You Need to Know

A crucial concept in the hiring process is the idea of a cultural fit. How can recruiters understand what goes into their company culture to find that perfect job match? 

Reduce Emotional Hijacking with Emotional Intelligence

Understand how emotional intelligence can mitigate an amygdala hijack.

Finding The Job Of Your Dreams: A Customer Story in How Beginnings Matter

Using the power of assessments, an executive changed his life and trajectory.

360 and OD Surveys: What You Need to Know

A 360 survey is an organizational survey that allows teams to give anonymous feedback to their leaders as a team or their team leader as an individual.