All people have a unique behavioral style. Using the concepts of DISC, we can break those behaviors into four distinct styles. Use these 4 communication tips when using DISC to be able to recognize and adapt to the four primary styles to improve communication with others.
Improve Emotional Intelligence and you can improve virtually all other aspects of your life. Emotional intelligence, specifically the art of self-regulation, is the key to successful communication between people.
DISC is an assessment used to study human behavioral styles. DISC is made up of Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance. Those with high Dominance (high D) often waste time due to habits associated with D behavior. Here are five reasons why high-Ds waste time and how to fix the problem.
Are pre-employment personality tests something to embrace or to fear? Also known as behavioral assessments, these tests generate information about a person, based on that person's own responses, that predict how that person may perform in a specific job.
Today, many people who want to work have a job. How, then, do you recruit top talent during historically low unemployment rates? Follow these five recommendations to take your recruiting activities from reactive to proactive to find the best results.
Reliability and validity are the cornerstones of a great assessment. To be able to trust the results of assessment reports, you have to have confidence in the company behind those reports. Knowing a company puts the time & effort into caring about reliability creates confidence in the marketplace.