Leaders come in all shapes and sizes-and all behavioral styles too. While it may be common to see demonstrative, high energy leaders, that is not a prerequisite to succeed in a leadership role. Any behavioral type can be a leader, it's just a matter of finding your personal niche that works for you
While it's easy to spot a leader's strengths, uncovering a leader's weaknesses may be much more challenging. To become a truly elite leader, identifying, then improving, these weaknesses can help a leader rise to the next level. Using DISC can help reveal valuable insights.
Leading & managing are two very different things. Leader conveys a positive connotation. It means I have my teammates backs, I support them, teach them & listen to them. The word managing conveys a negative image to me. You manage a 401k not a person. That is why manager is a four-letter word to me.
Finding a mentor is the smartest thing to do for anyone starting a new job or beginning employment with a new company.
Mentors can help shorten a new employee's learning curve while creating opportunities otherwise unavailable
Each person has an operating range for leadership, and where you are today isn’t necessarily where you will be three years from now.