10 Perfectly Acceptable Reasons For Leaving Your Job

If you are contemplating changing jobs but dread going through the interview process, one question you should be prepared to answer is the question of why you are leaving your previous job. A new company’s hiring manager should understand if the departure is due to any of these ten reasons.

Bohemian Rhapsody - The Contrasting Personalities of Queen

The movie Bohemian Rhapsody showcases the rock band Queen, identifying how contrasting personalities and behavioral styles came together to make some of the world's finest music. True collaborators, Queen exemplified what it meant to be a true band in every sense of the word.

6 Workplace Trends For 2019

The only constant is change. The workplace continues to evolve in a whirlwind fashion. Working one career for one company are a thing of the distant past. Employees and organizations need to keep up with current trends to stay relevant. These six trends will continue to gain momentum in 2019.

Who Is To Blame For Organizational Chaos: The Disengaged Employee or The Ineffective Leader? [Infographic]

Which came first? The chicken or the egg? It's kind of like that when considering the source of employee disengagement. Is it the employee's fault for being not engaged, or does the onus fall on leaders for creating the communication chasm that leads to disengagement?

Finding Your Why: The Ultimate Solution to Employee Disengagement

It's important for every employee to find their WHY - their purpose - so they can enjoy work that is truly meaningful and inspiring to them. When employees are in roles that fulfill them, they will be more engaged, energized and productive.

The Leadership/Employee Engagement Dilemma

Employees rely on their leaders to stay engaged at work. Leaders sometime have difficulties communicating with their employees which lessens engagement. Engaged employees become the leaders of tomorrow. What comes first: great leadership or engaged employees?