Pace is closely related to a person's behavioral style. Observing a room of people and watching the pace at which they move can be a great way to determine various behavioral styles. Building teams that have multiple styles can often times produce the best work because of the complementary skills.
No one can be at the top of their game 100% of the time. Admitting when you're not takes guts. Showing vulnerability can be an asset. Simply saying “I don’t know” or “I don’t have it today,” shows your human side and allow others to come to the rescue.
Stress creates urgency and helps us accomplish our daily tasks. When there is no outlet for stress, it begins to build and can become toxic, leading to burnout. Burnout is reversible if the person is willing to take an active role in resolving the underlying issues behind the stress.
Do you live your life by what drives you or do you react to life through fear? The predominant fears of each of the four behavioral styles are very unique from each other.
Ghosting can occur in a number of different forms. Examples include: candidates failing to show up to interviews without a word, accepting a job and missing out on the first day (with no explanation given), or leaving a job without notice or even acknowledgement of formally quitting.
Words have an incredible amount of energy, depending on how they are used and in what manner they're received. Showing restraint to certain words is the key to improving emotional intelligence. According to Warren Buffet, true power is restraint. If words control you, everyone else can control you.