How to Talk about DISC on Social Media

We know it can be tricky to talk about DISC with people who aren’t familiar with the assessment. After all, it’s a learned language. The good news is that we can help! We shared 3 ways to start talking about DISC with your social media network on today’s blog.

The Matrix Behind Behavioral Assessments

Pre-employment assessments are based on real science. Without proper understanding & application of the sciences the results could be easily misused.

3 Common Misconceptions About Assessments [Infographic]

Some people call them personality profiles, others call them behavioral assessments. No matter what you call them, misconceptions about assessments are a common occurrence. We debunk 3 common misconceptions about assessments here.

TTI Success Insights vs. Predictive Index: Which pre-employment assessment is right for you?

What assessment provider is best for you? TTI Success Insight's Talent Insights measures both behaviors and motivators. Learn the difference between TTI SI and the competition.


DISC or MBTI: an often asked question when it comes to assessing the capabilities of a company's employees. Two industry leaders, TTI Success Insights and Myers-Briggs, both provide excellent assessments. Depending on specifically what you're looking to measure, each has its own distinct advantages.