My Personal Civil War: What Happens When Behaviors or Motivators Clash

Some people call it an internal struggle. Others call it a “me-me” conflict. This conflict comes when either primary behaviors or motivators are contradictory to each other and clash, making us want to go in more than one direction at the same time, creating confusion and other negative emotions.

Lessons from the Hundred Acre Wood that can be Applied to the Modern Workplace

Understanding every team member, and utilizing the individual strengths that each member possesses is a recipe for success. Just as the residents of Hundred Acre Wood worked well together, having a better understanding of your organization will likely result in your story’s happy ending.

Richard Branson’s Top Tips for Trying New Things

Looking to come out of your cramped comfort zone? Follow Richard Branson’s lead. His willingness to regularly step outside his zone is what continuously allows him to meet and exceed new challenges. Branson's tips will help you break out of your comfort zone & enjoy more of what life has to offer.

Bohemian Rhapsody - The Contrasting Personalities of Queen

The movie Bohemian Rhapsody showcases the rock band Queen, identifying how contrasting personalities and behavioral styles came together to make some of the world's finest music. True collaborators, Queen exemplified what it meant to be a true band in every sense of the word.

Finding Your Why: The Ultimate Solution to Employee Disengagement

It's important for every employee to find their WHY - their purpose - so they can enjoy work that is truly meaningful and inspiring to them. When employees are in roles that fulfill them, they will be more engaged, energized and productive.

How Can I Get Rich? 6 Things Self-Made Millionaires Have Done to Find Success

The thought of financial freedom and having the ability to live life on your terms is the dream of many. Is there a secret recipe to becoming independently wealthy? A study of 177 self-made millionaires revealed these six common threads to finding financial success.

The 12 Driving Forces Defined [Infographic]

12 Driving Forces are personal drivers or motivators; the why someone does what they do. Motivators/drivers can be thought of as the areas of life that a person is passionate about or things perceived by an individual as important. A person's drivers provide their purpose and direction in life.

How Behaviors and Drivers Influenced the Greatest Songwriting Team in History

There was a perpetual give and take, push and pull, that made The Beatles work. John and Paul were clearly each other’s yin and yang. The opposite but complementary behaviors and drivers closed all the gaps and filled all the holes, making The Beatles an unmatched force in the music world.

How Lennon and McCartney Used Collaboration and Competition to Create Genius

John Lennon and Paul McCartney formed one the greatest songwriting partnerships in the history of recorded music. The Beatles changed the world in their eight years as a popular music powerhouse. John and Paul couldn’t have been more opposite, when viewed from a behavior and driver perspective.