About the Author

Jaime Faulkner

Recent Posts

Confessions of Management: What Leaders Are Really Thinking

Workers often think that their bosses are removed from stresses in their roles, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Over-adaptations In DISC: What you Need to Know Part 2

Over-Adaptations aren’t unusual when it comes to behavior, but understanding them through the lens of DISC can take some work.

Adaptations in DISC: What You Need to Know

Adaptations aren’t unusual when it comes to behavior, but understanding them through the lens of DISC can take some work.

Building a Community in Your Organization [Infographic]

The culture of work is changing for the better. Here are three ways you can start building a community in your organization.

Managing Upward: What To Do When Leadership Is Failing

Managing ego and conflict in the workplace is an unfortunate reality of working, but it can be very difficult without adequate leadership.

Reclaiming Power in Impossible Circumstances: A Customer Story in Community Building and Resilience

When war struck Ukraine in 2022 and disrupted the lives of millions of people, Oksana was moved by its effects on the women around her.