Finding Your Niche Based on Your DISC Behavioral Style

Leaders come in all shapes and sizes-and all behavioral styles too. While it may be common to see demonstrative, high energy leaders, that is not a prerequisite to succeed in a leadership role. Any behavioral type can be a leader, it's just a matter of finding your personal niche that works for you

TTI Success Insights vs. Predictive Index: Which pre-employment assessment is right for you?

What assessment provider is best for you? TTI Success Insight's Talent Insights measures both behaviors and motivators. Learn the difference between TTI SI and the competition.

Uncovering A Leader's Achilles Heel Using DISC

While it's easy to spot a leader's strengths, uncovering a leader's weaknesses may be much more challenging. To become a truly elite leader, identifying, then improving, these weaknesses can help a leader rise to the next level. Using DISC can help reveal valuable insights.

Don't Judge a Book by its Cover

We live in a fast-paced world and often have to make snap decisions. Sometimes these quick decisions can backfire on us when it comes to judging people. We may be quick to dismiss someone based on surface information who otherwise could have played a meaningful role in our lives if given the chance.

6 Keys To Building High Performing Teams

For a team to be successful, all members need to be pulling in the same direction. Constructing the right team is the first step, followed by getting everyone's buy-in from the beginning. Use these 6 Keys To Building High Performing Teams to help you build, manage and lead a team of high performers.


DISC or MBTI: an often asked question when it comes to assessing the capabilities of a company's employees. Two industry leaders, TTI Success Insights and Myers-Briggs, both provide excellent assessments. Depending on specifically what you're looking to measure, each has its own distinct advantages.

Adapting behaviors using DISC to succeed in the workplace

Since everyone has unique behavioral styles, having the ability to adapt is key to successful interaction and communication. Using DISC to identify behavior styles is a great way to determine the various styles of people around us.

4 Communication Tips When Using DISC [Infographic]

All people have a unique behavioral style. Using the concepts of DISC, we can break those behaviors into four distinct styles. Use these 4 communication tips when using DISC to be able to recognize and adapt to the four primary styles to improve communication with others.

How to Use Mindfulness to Improve Emotional Intelligence

Improve Emotional Intelligence and you can improve virtually all other aspects of your life. Emotional intelligence, specifically the art of self-regulation, is the key to successful communication between people.