About the Author

Jaime Faulkner

Recent Posts

Four Ways to Set Yourself Up for Success in 2021

2020 has been an unprecedented year. As it draws to a close, get your organization ready for success in 2021 by learning about these industry trends and finding out exactly what they’ll mean for your business.

Natural vs. Adapted DISC Graphs: What You Need to Know

If you’ve ever taken a DISC assessment from TTI SI, you have seen your results displayed in two different graphs. These graphs, the Natural and Adapted graphs, provide crucial differences. If you’re only looking at a single averaged DISC graph, you’re not getting the full picture of the assessment taker’s behavior.

Gender, Pronouns, & Inclusion in Assessments

The workplace is changing, and your business needs to change with it or it will get left behind. One of the changes you need to prepare for is the need for a more progressive and diverse workplace.

The P.E.O.P.L.E Factor

What’s the best way to ensure that your organization is supported and engaged? The answer is simple: you just need to remember PEOPLE.

Competencies (DNA): What You Need to Know

The Competencies (DNA) Assessment is one of TTI SI’s most popular assessments, especially when it comes to hiring and employee development. Test your knowledge in our latest blog post and get all the details you need about this assessment!

Myer Briggs V. DISC In the Workplace

Myers Briggs is a wildly popular personality assessment— you’ve probably heard of it. However, just how useful is it in the workplace? Should your clients use it for hiring or leadership development? How does it shape up compared with DISC? Find out in our latest blog post, and send this article to any of your clients who are curious about the differences between these two assessments.