3 Steps to Eliminate the “what-if” Loop and Make Decisions Faster

People struggling to make decisions often find reasons not to take chances because of their internal "what-if" conversations. Here are three steps you need to know in order to make decisions faster.

Why Communication is the Key to All Successful Business Interaction

Communication is the key to all successful business interaction and identifying problems and challenges in communicating is half the battle. Sometimes we don't even realize a problem exists and discovering those issues and fixing them will help you succeed in the workplace.

Five tips for making an extraordinary impact on others

Steven Hawking was known for making an extraordinary impact on others through his gift of superior knowledge. You don't have to be a quantum physicist to do the same. Each of us has at least one gift that we can share to make the world a better place. Find yours and share it today.

Why Manager is a Four-Letter Word to Me

Leading & managing are two very different things. Leader conveys a positive connotation. It means I have my teammates backs, I support them, teach them & listen to them. The word managing conveys a negative image to me. You manage a 401k not a person. That is why manager is a four-letter word to me.

Resistance: How to overcome the enemy that stands between you and your life’s biggest goals (Part II)

Life's biggest goals often encounter resistance. Resistance is that chatter that gives us doubt, lack of confidence, forces procrastination and distracts us from achieving our life's biggest goals. By learning to overcome resistance you can achieve anything.

Resistance: The biggest enemy that stands between you and your life’s biggest goals (Part I)

Fear has killed more dreams than failure ever could. Fear is found in resistance. If we can learn how to beat resistance, we can begin to achieve life's biggest goals by having the guts to dream big and see that dream to fruition. Getting past resistance is the first step in accomplishing this.