When you think of organizational growth, one of the first aspects that come to mind is likely hiring. After all, how can you grow your talent pipeline without new talent? How can you find the right fit for a role in the most efficient way?
That’s where pre-employment screening comes in. Here’s what you need to know about the pre-employment screening process, including options available to your organization and how to find the insight you need.
What’s pre-employment screening?
Pre-employment screening is the process of evaluating job candidates before hiring them. This process can include aptitude tests, skills testing, IQ tests, and behavioral assessments.

Let’s hone in our focus on behavioral assessments; the other types of testing mentioned can be tricky to navigate, but assessments are key for pre-employment screening regardless of industry.
What pre-employment screening is available?
At TTI Success Insights, our work revolves around five sciences:
DISC (Behaviors)
DISC focuses on behavior, or “how you do what you do.” DISC is a universal behavioral model that goes over four separate factors: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance.
It creates a language around observable behavior, and allows for insight into someone’s daily approach to communication and work for pre-employment screening.
12 Driving Forces (Motivators)
12 Driving Forces focuses on motivation, or “why you do what you do.” It measures the motivation (and strength) behind behaviors, using 6 different motivators.
Discovering the motivation of candidates is key to successful pre-employment screening.
Emotional Quotient (EQ, or Emotional Intelligence)
Emotional intelligence is the ability to sense, understand and effectively apply the power of acumen of emotions to facilitate higher levels of collaboration and productivity.
According to Forbes, a majority of employees believe in the importance of empathy in the workplace, but 92% feel empathy remains undervalued.
By prioritizing emotional intelligence while building your talent pipeline, you will build your team out with candidates who have the soft skills that are increasingly important in the modern workplace.
Competencies (DNA)
The Competencies (DNA) assessment was created to manage and develop an individual’s career by identifying their top personal skills, based on how they score on 25 research-based skills required by any job.

Competencies (DNA) is an excellent choice for pre-employment screening since it directly addresses the skills needed for a position.
Acumen (ACI)
The Acumen Capacity Index (ACI) report measures how a person thinks or processes information, based on a science called axiology. This assessment helps hiring managers to get a ‘big picture’ view of their potential hires.

Now you know some of the assessments you can use for pre-employment screening, but you might be wondering what the benefits of using assessments in your hiring process look like.
Testing Past the Usual
When you look at behavior, motivation, and emotional intelligence, you unlock the true potential of individuals. It’s best to use a multi-science approach to get a more complete picture of your potential candidates.
Utilizing pre-employment screening helps ensure an individual is a good cultural fit. If their personal Motivators are aligned with their role, they will be more likely to be fulfilled and engaged by their work, and that can make all the difference.
Pre-employment screening can also help you to avoid a bad hire. Bad hires affect the structure, motivation, and overall success of an entire organization, but by using pre-employment assessments, you can ensure your organization thrives.